I've been nominated for the Liebster Award!!

You've read correctly! I've been nominated for the Leibster Award. Wow, this is all happening so fast! I never thought I would find myself nominated for anything having to do with my blog. First and foremost, I would like to thank the Academy and Blogger for hosting my obnoxiously obvious posts and for all my dedicated followers for sticking it out with me. Mom, Dad, Kayleigh, Kayla, Cara and that one random dude from Poland... I don't want to get emotional, but... but....   ILOVEYOUGUYS!

Hahah, okay, okay, all joking aside I am actually very flattered to have been nominated for this award. With my one year mark coming up on the 26th, it feels like just yesterday that I began this thing called blogging. 

Before getting into my portion of the award I should probably explain what this Liebster Award actually is first. I've been doing a little bit of research on the subject. Which in real terms means I googled "what is the Liebster Award". (The English Major in me feels like I should have a direct quote in here somewhere properly citing this valuable and credited information, but alas.) Essentially a Liebster Award is a way for bloggers to nominate and bring attention to fellow bloggers who they believe are up and coming.
This being an excellent way to showcase talent and find other interesting, new blogs to follow. I've had my blog for a while now, but I've only recently become involved with the blogging community. It's a completely different experience to have others out there, who understand the amount of time and dedication it takes to keep a blog up and running, and who support what you're doing. I've had to pleasure to get to know some amazing people through these communities and I'm so honored to have been nominated for this award! :)

On to the good stuff! The oh so lovely Tia, author of the blog, Desert Healthy, nominated me for this award. In her blog, Tia takes her love for food and combines it with her efforts to stay healthy in order to bring readers fun and creative ways to make healthy eating more enjoyable! Who wouldn't want to read more about that? My mouth can't stop watering at her mention of a Roasted Ramari Portobello Bowl. Sign me up!! She also writes reviews on books and restaurants, as well as her travel experiences. Don't forget to check out her food-filled ig, Desert_Healthy!

The first part of this nomination was a fun little question and answer sesh! 

Tia asked me:
1) Why do you blog? I became interesting in blogging through the help of some of my favorite fashion bloggers and vloggers. My fashion inspiration stems almost completely from these ladies. Almost everything I've learned, I learned from them and I wanted to pay it forward. I tried vlogging for a solid 45 minutes and could not for the life of me get the sound to match up with the video. So my technologically inept self frustratedly gave up and started writing. A very wise decision for my awkward, stuttering self. Good job past Rachel.

2) Where is your favorite place to vacation? To be completely honest, I've never really vacationed. At least in the sense that this question is asking. If I go anywhere interesting it's to visit friends to go to amusements parks. That being said, I really enjoy traveling in general. There's so many places out there and being able to visit them makes me a part of it, if only for a few hours. 

3) Where do you see yourself in 3 years? This is a tricky question because there are two equally ideal paths for myself. The first path, and most dependent on how these upcoming 6 weeks abroad go, leads to back to Italy teaching English as a second language to local grade school students. I've always had a strong love of Italy and living there long term (or relatively long term) has always been a dream of mine. The second path leads me to a much more reasonable road, in the beginnings of my career as a paralegal. 

4) What are your 3 favorite foods? Drunk me: pizza, burritos and cheese fries. Sober me: Tiramisu, shrimp, wine. Because every sensible girl knows wine is an important part of any balanced diet. And wine leads to list number one, so it's all connected in the end.

5) What kind of music do you listen to? Lately I've been on a huge UK kick! James Bay, George Ezra and Florence + the Machine. Look them up, you will not regret it. Besides that, my everyday genre can be categorized by "Afternoon Acoustic". 

6) What are 3 things that can be found on your nightstand? My Starbucks tumblr I can't live without, a picture of my sister and two of her friends and my car keys. Living life on the edge.

7) What are 3 apps you can't live without? Instagram, Spotify and Snapchat.

8) Who would you like to play you in a movie? Anna Kendrick. She is perfect and I already wish I were her!

9) What is your biggest pet peeve? My biggest pet peeve are people who go out of their way to do things that upset you. But I feel like that's an everyone thing, so maybe it doesn't count...

10) What inspires you? I get inspired by other people who are passionate. I love seeing someone's eye's light up and that smile they can't stop making when they're talking about something they love. Along this same line, I find inspiration in those I'm closest too. It's amazing the work someone can accomplish if they put their mind to it and I've been fortunate enough to be surrounded by just these types of individuals. 

11) Beach or Mountains? For a girl who spends her entire work day on her feet, beach. Always beach. Forever at the beach, with a margarita in hand. (cue wave sound effects)

11 Facts About Myself:
1. I hate making any and all decisions involving another human being.
2. I'm terrified to call people on the phone.
3. I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate dinosaurs. (yes, I know they're extinct)
4. When I was 4 I ran away from home with my big sister because my mom sent us to bed and it was still light outside. We got four blocks in three hours walking next to our bikes because I couldn't ride. Did I mention we were wearing footy pajamas?
5. If I could be a cat I would be.
6. I clean.. a lot.
7. I'm that person screaming bloody murder in a movie theatre.
8. I hate painting my nails but love when my nails are painted.
9. I had a low key anxiety attack at a Britney Spears concert once.
10. In kindergarten I told my teacher I wanted to sing a song for the class on my birthday and when the day came I had nothing prepared and made up some song about a castle in the sky. 
If that doesn't accurately represent my life, I don't know what does. 
11. Lilly's are my favorite flower.

So now that you've learned a little bit about me, it's time to pay it forward.
I nominate the following bloggers for the Liebster Award:

Things to do once nominated:

My questions for my nominees:
1) If you could teleport to one place, where would it be?
2) What is the most important thing you want your readers to get out of your blog?
3) Who is your biggest supporter when it comes to your blog?
4) What is your most embarrassing moment?
5) What is one thing you would like to accomplish by the fall?
6) What's your guilty pleasure snack?
7) What is your spirit animal?
8) If you could recommend one book, what would it be?
9) Your ideal way to spend a night in.
10) Why did you start blogging?
11) Favorite flavor ice cream.

Thank you again to Tia from Desert Healthy for nominating me for the Liebster Award. Congratulations to the newest nominees and have fun! :)



  1. Thank you for nominating me!!!!...and congrats to you as well for your amazing inspiring blogs. .

    1. I'm so glad to have nominated you. :) I can't wait to read your post!! And thank you so much. I really appreciate it! :)

    2. http://www.visualizeauthenticity.com/liebster-award-2/

  2. Woohoo congrats on your award. I love reading about people and getting to know them better. :D

    1. Thank you so much! I love writing blogs like these, it's fun to get personal with readers :)

  3. Drunk me or sober me would dine with you anytime! Yum!

  4. Really this is an amazing article .
