Today as soon as Ke$ha's Timber came on the radio I knew I had to drive around until it was over. I could never pass up the opportunity to jam out to one of my favorite songs. I was being my usual, obnoxious self with the bass turned up far to high while driving down the back roads with no where in particular to go. I felt like I could fly- not a care in the world. The mood changed abruptly when Stay With Me by Sam Smith decided to play. I cannot listen to that song without contemplating all of my romantic and otherwise unimportant issues. It has a way of tugging at my heart strings. Today was a little different, though.
Of course, I still contemplated the usual. But the high I was just on mixed with the contemplative feelings brought on by Smith's vulnerability made me feel a strange sort of way. I was able to stop and take in the moment. For the first time in weeks I wasn't wishing for the time to fly by. I didn't want the night to be over so I could start tomorrow. I didn't want to fall asleep so that the hours would pass in dreams. As cliche as it sounds-- and I am cliche in more than one way-- I was able to find my peace.
Now, I'm not the best with advice. Quite frankly, I suck at it. But as the last month of summer begins and preparations for school start, I would like to request one favor of you. I ask that you all stop and take a moment. I know your lives are probably crazy. Believe me, I totally get it. But do something to clear your head and ground your feet. Whether it be going for a run, taking a long drive, lifting, or just simply being. Whatever works for you. Appreciate the moments you have before you go racing to the next. Find your peace.
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