Hey, everyone! I hope you all are having a very spoooky Halloween! I don’t know about you, but every Halloween season I scroll through Instagram and Pinterest looking for that perfect costume. I envision intricate makeup, crazy hair and the perfect outfit to top it all off. Something crazy and super unique. Every year, though, around this time I find myself freaking out because I am a Grade A Procrastinator and don’t have nearly the same amount of talent or creativity as some of these women. My go-to Halloween costume, in these instances, is a Pop-Art character.
Last year, I literally got the face paint two hours before a Halloween party I was attending and had the whole thing finished before any guests started to arrive. This costume will never let you down. Today, I'll be creating the Pop-Art character courtesy of my Remington Pro 1" Flat Iron with SmartPro Sensor Technology.
Disclaimer: This product was gifted to me for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
First off, how freakin’ cool does that sound?!
This product certainly lives up to the hype, too. The idea behind this styling
tool is that everyone’s hair is unique—naturally. The fun part of about this
product is that it adjusts to your hair and its specific moisture (whaa?!)
to keep your hair smooth, healthy and damage-free. I don’t know about you guys,
but my mother was always on my case in
high school about protecting my hair from heat products. My hair is on the
thinner side as it is, so I really do have to be careful when it comes to the
styling tools I use. To have a product smart enough to adjust to my
particular hair type is a serious game changer!
Now, I know you’re dying to see this baby in action, so, in
honor of the Smart Pro release and the spooookiest time of year, I’ll be
showing you my go-to last minute Halloween look featuring the Pro 1” Flat Iron.
What I use:
Something resembling a stereotypical high school
Black, white and blue face paint.
A bold lip color (preferably red)
For this costume, you can honestly go anyway you like dress wise. When I think of Pop-Art I envision comic book characters in a high school, so when I bring this concept to life I always dress reminiscent of this. You really can take whatever route you'd like, though. The central focus is your makeup. Before we jump into makeup, I always start with my hair. I don’t know about you, but I am the worst at ruining makeup. I always forget I have costume makeup on and end up wiping my face or rubbing me eyes. I don't want
to ruin my makeup trying to mess around with my hair, so I always do this first. Plus, it helps to visualize where to put your actual makeup, since the hair is already in place. Straightening hair is
pretty straight forward, just make sure you don't have one wavy strand admits a sea of pin straight hair. 'Ain't nobody got time for that!
Pro tip: Style your hair away from your face. This way you
don’t have to worry about hair getting into your face paint, or stuck in your
lipstick or otherwise being a nuisance and ruining all of your hard work! Today,
I’m opting for pigtails. Pigtails scream Pop-Art to me.
"My mother would have my head if she saw how dirty this mirror is."
Then, fill in your lips with a bright color, preferably red, and start the arduous process of 'dotting' your face. This is by far the longest part of this process, but it really isn't that bad and flies by if you've got some spooooky music bumpin'.

And now the tricky part. Last year I went with more of a blob tear drop, but it didn't quite translate how I was hoping it would. This year, I opted for two smaller tear drops and one larger one. I l.o.v.e. how it turned out! I would recommend outlining with a more precise instrument. I actually used my liquid eyeliner and it worked like a charm. Fill in the drops with blue face paint and you're good to go!
There you have it! A dramatic teenager straight out of the comic books themselves. Please send chocolate, The Notebook and as many tissues as you can find. This girl is going to need them! (Seriously, why can't I trick or treat at the age of 24?!? I enjoy candy. I enjoy long walks in the dark and running up to strange houses. Someone needs to change this societal norm.)
Be sure to check out the Remington Pro 1" Flat Iron with SmartPro Sensor technology! Real talk, a Remington flatiron was the first styling tool I
ever bought myself and it still works. It
was for real my go to straightener until Remington sent me the Smart Pro. If
you want a product that will make your hair look and feel amazing and will last the test of time, I 120%
recommend Remington!
As always, I will shamelessly plug all of my social media channels below. Check them out for all of you NYC adventure needs. Also, shout out to my freakin' AMAZING roommates, Kayleigh and Madrid for being the real MVP's of this post! Do you see Kayleigh's beautiful camera work?? I am beyond blessed! Anyway, until next time.
nice post