what you may not know

Welcome back! I thought it would be fun to let you in on some quirky and not so quirky facts about myself to help you get to know me a little better. So without further ado...

 1. I'm terrified of dinosaurs (yes, I know they're extinct) 
2. I never knew what a scantron was until I went to college... is that weird? 
3. In grade school my goal was to read every book in our library before I graduated. 
4. My nick name used to be "Chip". 
5. I love participating in and going to the theatre and have been doing shows since I was 12 but if you ask me to sing on the spot I get really nervous, decline and change the subject as fast as I can. 
6. My whole Senior year of high school I had my heart set on becoming an actress and actually applied to a couple conservatories and performing arts schools. 
7. My favorite artist is Ingrid Michaelson (her new album, Lights Out, is absolutely phenomenal! I would 100% recommend checking it out.)

8. My favorite place to go on a first date is a coffee shop.
9. I want to live in Italy when I graduate college and teach English as a second language to Italian gradeschoolers.
10. I have a huge everything Italian fetish but I'm not Italian.. at all.
11. I've always either wanted to live in the middle of nowhere or in the center of a big city.
12. I've never been out of the U.S. :(  (hopefully that will change soon!)
13. I belong to the sorority Gamma Sigma Sigma and my family's name is Sapphire and Silver Sparkle. 

14. When I was three I bit my mom on the butt... or so she claims. 
15. I have to eat candies, like M&M's or Skittles, in pairs and I have to chew each piece on separate sides of my mouth.

If you have any quirky facts about yourself or have any questions about the ones I have, feel free to leave a comment. Thanks for stopping by!


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